Capitan Tiago dies, and is given a decent burial. Padre Irene is the executor of his will. His riches are divided among Santa Clara, the pope, the Archbishop, and other religious organizations. Twenty pesos is left for the matriculation of the students. Padre Irene suggests this so that it will appear that he is on the side of the students. Capitan Tiago removes from his will the twenty-five pesos intended for Basilio for the youth’s inability to recognize his indebtedness to the old man, but Padre Irene decides to give it to him still, and says that it will come from the friar’s own pockets.
Points of Note:
Everything that is stipulated in Capitan Tiago’s last will and testament is fabricated by Padre Irene. This way, the church gets the most out of the riches of the deceased, and his loved ones and relatives are greatly bereaved, and deprived even of their rightful inheritance.
It can be observed that even in his garments Padre Irene has gone overly frugal.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: What does Quiroga’s question to Don Primitivo mean: “Surely, one can make a contract for a cockpit with Kilisto, ha? When I die, I’ll be the contractor, ha?”
Answer: This shows the sharp mind of the Chinese when it comes to business. If there is a way to earn money, there are no boundaries as to what can be done and what cannot be done under the law. This also shows that some Chinese businessmen who have chosen to convert to Christianity, have done so not because of a change of heart or a change in faith, but simply for the sake of their growing businesses. And this is true to those Chinamen who took upon themselves Filipino citizenship just so they could have a more luxurious lifestyle. This is what it means when Quiroga says, “When I die, I may have to argue with Christ about having to open a cockpit in heaven, ha?”