A number of humorous incidents take place at the show. For one, Juanito Pelaez tries to impress Paulita by pretending to understand French. His act is discovered, however, after he fails to translate some French lines correctly. Padre Irene attends the show in disguise. He applauds one of the actresses, whom he particularly likes. Don Custodio is also at the theater, claiming as an excuse that he was there to judge whether or not the performance was to be considered indecent. While the show is going on, the students then find out about Don Custodio’s decision regarding the school of Spanish.
Points of Note:
The term “Filipino Time” isn’t really Filipino time per se. This attitude of being late was taken from the Spaniards who ruled the country during that time. In Rizal’s novels, it is very obvious that the audiences all come early, save for the high-ranking Spanish officials to arrive late on purpose just so they could have all the attention and make a grand entrance.
Don Custodio is not seated with Pepay. It is not honorable for a Don to be seated with a dancer.
Tadeo is the kind of audience that should not be seen in shows such as this. He is one who does not see anything other than the faults of the performers on stage. Juanito Pelaez as well is the kind not to be tolerated. He is one of those people who use the little knowledge that they have in order to make themselves look good, but instead end up embarrassing themselves even more. Dona Victorina and Paulita on the other hand, were even dumber than the two boys, because they let themselves be fooled by their acts. They are both like blind women who depend on blind men to guide them.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Why is Pepay in such a good mood when it is not good news that she brings to Macaraeg and the others?
Answer: She is a dimwitted woman. She did not understand what Don Custodio hand meant, and so now she thinks that the news will delight the students.
Question: Why is Sandoval not amused by the show?
Answer: He does not understand French.
Question: Why are the students saddened by the news about Don Custodio’s decision regarding the school?
Answer: The school will be placed under the care of the Dominicans in the University of Santo Tomas. In other words, there will be no difference in the manner of teaching. Schools run by the Dominicans were known for their poor quality of education. Placing the proposed school under their administration will defeat the entire purpose of establishing a new school in the first place.