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Rizal's Annotation of Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas: Chapter 5 of 8

Chapter 5

MorgaThe new governor inaugurated his rule by establishing the paid garrison, and by executing, with great enthusiasm and zeal, many and various things, for which he possessed royal orders and instructions, not shrinking from any kind of labor, or taking any care of himself. His first labor was the walling of the city, to which he attended so assiduously, that it was almost completed before his death.

RizalSan Agustín says that these walls were twelve thousand eight hundred and forty-three geometrical feet in extent, and that they were built without expense to the royal treasury.


MorgaDuring Gomez Perez's administration, the relations and peace existing between the Japanese and the Spaniards of the Filipinas began to become strained; for hitherto Japanese vessels had gone from the port of Nangasaqui to Manila for some years, laden with their flour and other goods, where they had been kindly received, and despatched. But Taicosama...

RizalThis emperor, also called Hideyosi, had been a stable boy, called Hasiba.


MorgaThis galley he manned with good Chinese rowers, with pay...

RizalSan Agustín [as does Argensola] says there were two hundred and fifty Chinese.


MorgaIn the afternoon of the second day of the voyage, they reached the island of Caça...



MorgaIn the first year of the government of Gomez Perez Dasmariñas, the need of an Audiencia began to be felt by many, upon their seeing all the power vested in one man, and that there was no one to whom they could apply for remedy for certain cases.

RizalThis lack and defect are felt even now [1890] after three centuries.


MorgaWhile they were in the city of Chordemuco, in Camboja, with Prauncar...

RizalPhra-Unkar. Phra or Pra is the title given to the kings of Siam and Camboja.


MorgaPrauncar, his grandmother, aunt, and stepmother—he wife of Langara—together with Diego Belloso and Blas Ruyz, embarked and journeyed in the said boats and praus down the rivers flowing from Lao to Camboja.

RizalThe river Me-Kong.


MorgaWhen the war was almost entirely ended, the king made Belloso and Blas Ruyz great chofas...

RizalChow Phya is a title in Siam and Cambodia.


MorgaBut before reaching the houses and fort, and while going through some thickets [çacatal] near the shore, they encountered some of the men of Buhahayen, who were coming to meet them with their campilans, carazas

RizalFrom kalasag, a shield.


MorgaBut as he was crossing a part of the thickets [çacatal] where the fight was waging, a hostile Indian stepped out unseen from one side, and dealt the governor a blow on the head with his campilan, that stretched him on the ground badly wounded.

RizalArgensola says that this native, named Ubal, had made a feast two days before, at which he had promised to kill the Spanish commander.

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